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013 | “I’ve Survived, but Now What?”: Grief Coaching to Navigate Beyond Trauma and Loss

Preconference Workshops


Georgia Shaffer, M.A.



Approved For CE

Pastors, Pastoral Counselors, Lay Counselors, and Coaches

Approved For CME/CEU




Once the shock and numbness wear off after trauma or a difficult loss, clients often wonder, “What can I do to stop hurting? How can I move on?” Grief coaching is a highly effective option for those not paralyzed by complicated grief but who want the support and encouragement of a Christian coach or ministry leader to help them navigate the painful emotions of loss. Using biblical techniques and current research, this session focuses on the best strategies and tools to promote healthy grieving and the hope-filled mindsets needed to step forward into the unknown and begin anew. Since coaching groups, whether online or in person, can serve more people at an affordable rate, the essential steps for creating grief coaching programs tailored to different groups will also be covered. 

Learning Objectives

Compare and contrast grief coaching and counseling for those who are grieving 
Describe three common myths Christians often hold about grieving that hinder their well-being and ability to create a better tomorrow   
Outline the essential steps needed to set up and implement effective grief coaching programs for different populations