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211 | Neuroscience, Theology, and the Achievement of Christlike Character

Biblical Counseling, Theological Foundations, and Pastoral Care, Thursday 9/14 2:15 – 3:30 PM, Workshop Tracks


Ron Hawkins, Ed.D., D.Min.



Approved For CE

Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Pastors, Pastoral Counselors, Lay Counselors, Coaches

Approved For CME/CEU




Why do so many Christian leaders and Christians who sit in pews Sunday after Sunday demonstrate so little of the character that set Christ apart from the spiritual leaders of His day? Dallas Willard maintains that the answer is to be found in the fact that the contemporary Church is producing Christians and not disciples. Dallas contends that the gap between simply being a Christian and becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ may be closed by paying attention to the practice of the spiritual disciplines. In this workshop, licensed mental health professionals and ministry leaders will consider why neurotheologians like Jay Wilder believe that the practice of the disciplines alone is insufficient for developing Christlike character within Christian clients. The presenter will discuss the desire to add to the disciplines a commitment to soteriology (the theology of salvation) of attachment and the use of insights advanced by neuroscientists in their work with clients seeking growth in spiritual, emotional, and relational maturity.

Learning Objectives

1. Identify the core elements in a soteriology of attachment, specifically articulating an understanding of being born again for Christian clients
2. Identify and discuss the importance of the various parts of the brain for obtaining and maintaining spiritual, emotional, and relational maturity
3. Identify the meaning of “mind-meeting events” and the important role they play in identity-building and character formation
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