
Counseling & Coaching Workshop Schedule

Registration for Workshops and Tracks Opens July 10th

 = Beginner  = Intermediate  =Advanced



Thursday 9/14

8:45 – 10:00 AM


Thursday 9/14

2:15 – 3:30 PM


Friday 9/15

8:45 – 10:00 AM


Friday 9/15

2:15 – 3:30 PM


Friday 9/15

4:15 – 5:30 PM


Saturday 9/16

8:45 – 10:00 AM


Saturday 9/16

2:15 – 3:30

Abuse, Violence, and Trauma-informed Care 101
 Recognizing Dissociative Symptoms in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Health Disorders


Heather Davediuk Gingrich, Ph.D.

Revenge Pornography, Sexual Exploitation, and Sextortion: Addressing Sexual Abuse in a Digital Age


Molly-Catherine K. Goodson, M.A., Esq.

A Christian Approach to the Superhero Trauma Therapy Model



Kathie Erwin, Ed.D.

Trauma, Self-image, and Spiritual Formation: How Trauma Impacts How We See Ourselves and God


Byron Kehler, M.S.

Sex Trafficking:
Understanding the Wounds and Helping Survivors Heal


Shannon Wolf, Ph.D.

Is it Spiritual Abuse?: Introducing the Spiritual Abuse Assessment


Karen Roudkovski, M.Div.; Ph.D.

Intimate Partner Violence and Coercive Control: Assessment and Treatment Using an Embodied Approach


Joy Phifer Ph.D.; Shelley Coleman Ph.D.

Addictions, Relapse, and Life Recovery 102
What Works: Evidence-based Treatments for Substance-related Addictive Disorders


David Jenkins, Psy.D.

The Power of the Past and Present: Treating Addicts and Partners Through Family Systems and Trauma Approaches


Marnie Ferree M.A.; Mike Vaughan, M.A.

The Porndemic is Real: Treating Pornography and Sexual Compulsivity


Jim Cress, M.A.

Compulsive Overeating and the Addictive Spectrum: Treating the Whole Person


Rhona Epstein, Psy.D.

The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong about Pornography and How to Fix it


Troy Haas, M.Div.; Melissa Haas, M.A.; Sam Black, B.A.

How Did I Get Here?: Complexities of Moral Injury, PTSD, and Substance Abuse from a Combat Veteran’s Perspective


Ron Gellis Ph.D..; Ryan Rogers, Ph.D.

Reclaiming Sexual Wholeness: An Integrative Christian Approach to Sexual Addiction Treatment


Todd Bowman, Ph.D.; Brent Moore, Ph.D.

Grief and Loss, Crisis Response, Pandemic and Disaster Recovery 103
Stuck in the Pain: Evidence-based Strategies and Interventions in Treatment of Grief and Loss



Susan Zonnebelt-Smeenge, Ed.D.;
Robert DeVries, Ph.D.

Blessed and Highly Favored: Understanding the Importance of Faith, the Church and the Pastor When Supporting the African-American Grief Process



Mildred Williams, Ph.D.; Sabrina Black, M.A.

What am I Missing?: Conducting PTSD Assessment Following Man-made and Natural Disasters



Michele Louviere, M.Div.

Practical Support for Trauma Recovery: 7 Spiritual and Lifestyle Keys that Set the Stage for Healing



Jennifer Cisney Ellers, M.A.; Kevin Ellers, D.Min.

Growth After Loss: A Positive and Empowering Model to Facilitate Healing and Resilience in Treatment



Ashley Elliott, M.S.; Chuck Elliott, M.A.

Ending Well: Facilitating End-of-Life Decisions and Conversations for Dignity and Legacy



Kimberly Best, RN, M.A.

The Gift of Lament: Utilizing the Ancient Biblical Practice in Therapy



Ashley Brooks, Ph.D.

Suicide and Self-harm: Awareness, Prevention, and Postvention 104
Help! My Teen is Self-injuring: A Crisis Manual to Help Teens and Parents



Mark Mayfield, Ph.D.

Post-pandemic Suicide Risk: Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention



Gregory Jantz, Ph.D.

Surviving the Trauma of Suicide Loss: Post-traumatic Growth and Resilience



Rita A. Schulte, M.A.

Riding the Waves of Emotion: Practical Skills for Emotion Regulation in Suicidal and Self-harming Clients



Shannae Anderson, Ph.D.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy to Treat Adolescents with Suicidal Ideation and Non-suicidal Self Injury



Katheryn McLendon, M.S.S.W.; Shamicka Cannon, M.S.W.

Through the Tears: Helping Families Discuss Suicide Loss with Children



Natalie Ford, Ph.D.

Adolescent Homicidal Threat Assessment: Psychometric Findings From a Newly Developed Instrument



Robert Moore, Ph.D., Ed.D.

Love and Sex: Men, Women, and Relationships 105
Treating Betrayal Trauma, Sexual Abuse, and Toxic Shame in the New World



Sheri Keffer, Ph.D.

When Trust Has Been Broken: The Roadmap to Repairs



Leslie Vernick, M.S.W.

Faith Renewed: Restoring Hope and Healing to Clients Experiencing Reproductive Trauma



Vanessa Kent, Ph.D.

Let’s Talk About Sex: Giving Couples Essential Tools for Renewing Connection and Maximizing Intimacy



Shaunti Feldhahn MPP; Jonathan Hoover, Ph.D.

Above the Sheets: Barriers to Sexual Intimacy Outside the Bedroom



Debra Fileta, M.A.

The Intimacy Pyramid: Healthy Sexual Reintegration After Infidelity



Joanna Raabsmith, M.S.; Matthew Raabsmith, M.Div.

Toward Mutual Safety: Application of the Emotionally Safe Relationship Model™ with Christian Couples



Alex A. Avila, M.A.

Sexuality, Sexual Interventions, and Sexual Health 106
Effectively Identifying and Treating Unconsummated Marriages: Healing for Those Suffering in Silence



Clifford Penner, Ph.D.; Joyce Penner, M.N., R.N.

Helping Clients Access Their Sexual Superpowers: Encouraging Rich Sexual Intimacy



Michael Sytsma, Ph.D.

Gender Identity and Gender Dysphoria in Professional Counseling



Mark Yarhouse, Psy.D.; Julia Sadusky, Psy.D.

True Enjoyment: Married Women and Sexual Satisfaction through the Life Cycle



Debra Taylor, Psy.D.; Angela Landry, M.A.; Cory Collins, M.A.

Hope for Clients with Unwanted Same-sex Attraction and Gender Dysphoria: Examining Scripture and Science



Julie Hamilton, Ph.D.

The Impact of Culture: Diversity in Addressing Sexual Issues



Danisa Suarez M.A.; Jorge Suarez, D.Min.; S. Lashay Dowley, M.A.

Going Beyond “The Talk:” Training Pastors, Counselors and Parents on Age-appropriate Conversations about Sexuality and Gender From a Biblical Worldview



Corey Gilbert, Ph.D.

Pre-marital Counseling and Marriage Enrichment 107
Marriage 911: Preventing Divorce for Couples in Crisis



Greg Smalley, M.A., Psy.D.; Erin Smalley, M.A.

Revolutionary Marriage Tools: SYMBIS, Loveology, and Better Love Featuring the Five Love Languages



Les Parrott, Ph.D.; Ranjy Thomas

From Anger to Intimacy: Reignite Your Marriage with Forgiveness, Understanding, and Appreciation



Ted Cunningham, M.A.C.E.

The Dream Home: Essential Techniques for Helping Couples Increase Marital Intimacy



Elias Moitinho, Ph.D.; Denise Moitinho, Ph.D., Ed.D.

The Trauma-informed Marriage: Avoiding Contempt by Embracing Reality in Dual-trauma Marriages



Sunday Towles, M.A.; Matthew Towles

The Gray Divorce: The Overlooked Impact on Their Adult Children



Kent Darcie, M.A.

Repairing the Marriage Bond: An Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy Approach Following Infidelity



Theresa Allen, Ph.D.

Couples in Crisis, Relationship Conflict, and Marital Recovery 108
Staying in the Furnace Without Getting Burned: Attending to Intense Emotional Conflict in Couples



Jim Sells Ph.D.; Jennifer Ripley Ph.D.

Hope for Sexual Intimacy: An Emotionally-focused Approach to Healing Sexual Cycles of Conflict in Marriage



W. Jesse Gill, Psy.D.

Stabilizing Marriages After Infidelity Disclosure: Themes and Tasks for the First 90 Days



Dave Carder, M.A.

Post-traumatic Growth: Becoming Better, Not Bitter, from Betrayal Trauma



Debbie Laaser, M.A.; Elizabeth Griffin, M.A.

Bleeding While Leading: Helping Complex Ministry Marriages Survive and Thrive



Michael MacKenzie, D.Min.

Peacemaking: A Biblical Model for Resolving Conflict and Restoring Relationships for Clinicians and Ministries



Janeen Davis, Psy.D., M.A., M.MFT

Redeeming Harmful Counsel: A Path Forward for Complex Couples in Crisis After Religious Abuse



Andrea Anderson Polk, M.A.

Family Health, Stepfamilies, Millennials, and Generation Z 109
Preparing to Blend: Effective Pre-stepfamily Counseling with Couples and Children



Ron Deal, M.MFT.

Navigating Today’s Culture: Helping Parents Guide Teens and Adult Children



Jim Burns, Ph.D.

Hope-filled Fathering: A Research-based, Theologically-sound Approach to Strengthen Family Connections through Increased Father Engagement



Michelle Watson Canfield, Ph.D.

Life Mapping: A Powerful Biblical Tool for Moving Families and Youth from Stuck to a Special Future



John Trent Ph.D.; Kari Trent Stageberg, MBA

Grandparents as Generational Reconcilers: Tools and Resources to Engage in Generational Family Relationships



Ken Canfield, Ph.D.

Security in the Storm: How Adult Attachments Can Mitigate Stress During Uncertainty



David Brown, Ph.D.; Jerry Vuncannon, Ph.D.

Lost Connection: Assessment and Treatment of Loneliness Across the Life Span



Brian Kelley Ph.D.; Blake Fraser M.S.; Matt Ferdock, Ph.D.

Youth and Family Development: Issues and Interventions 110
Developmentally Appropriate Treatment of Childhood Trauma: The Evidence-based Use of Play Therapy



Daniel Sweeney, Ph.D.

The Cultural Pivot: Five Social Environment Shifts That Have Impacted Youth Mental Health



Chap Clark, Ph.D.

Technological Infringement: Are Social Media and AI Impacting Development in Children and Teens?



Jaqueline Wirth, Ph.D., Ed.S., M.Ed.

Young Adults and Adolescents vs. the Hydra, the Multi-headed Beast: Trauma, Addictions, Dopamine Depletion, and Spiritual Emptiness



Adrian Hickmon, Ph.D.

From Fear to Connection: A Toolkit for Overcoming Trauma and Insecure Attachment with Adolescents and Adults



Anita Kuhnley, Ph.D.; Lisa Compton Ph.D.

Imitating the Master: Christ-modeled Self-compassion for Treating Anxiety in Emerging Adults



Mollie Carter, Ph.D.; Jinni Leigh Blalack, M.A.

Adolescent Males with Compulsive Pornography Problems: A Programmatic Approach



Floyd Godfrey, Ph.D.

Biblical Counseling, Theological Foundations, and Pastoral Care 111
Faith and Hope: Providing Pastoral Care and Counseling to Alleviate Stress and Anxiety



Ian Jones, Ph.D., Ph.D.

Neuroscience, Theology, and the Achievement of Christlike Character



Ron Hawkins, Ed.D., D.Min.

The Psychology of Divine Forgiveness within Clinical Practice



Jichan J. Kim, Ph.D., M.Div.

Put Down Your Sword: Disarming Angry People



Ed Welch, M.Div., Ph.D.

Bondage Breaker: Identifying Spiritual Warfare’s Effect on the Christian’s Worldview and Mental Health



Neil Anderson, Ed.D., D.Min.

Manifestations of the Supernatural in Session: Discernment and Resources for Assessment and Treatment



Laura Holmes, M.A.; Michael Perron

Imprints that Matter: Helping Clients and Caregivers Find Lost Treasure Within Their Redemptive Story



Kenny Mauck, M.A.

Spiritual Formation, Interventions, and Discipleship 112
Dealing with Spiritual Struggles in Psychotherapy: Empirical Evidence and Clinical Applications from a Christian Perspective



Siang-Yang Tan, Ph.D.

A New Lens for Transformational Change: The Intersection of Counseling and Spiritual Formation



Bill Buker, Ph.D.

Relational Spirituality in Coaching: Building a Secure Base to Help Your Clients Flourish



Todd Hall, Ph.D.

Practical Tools to Help Clients Have a Healing Encounter with God



Margaret Nagib, Psy.D.

The Enneagram and Spiritual Formation: A Model for Emotional Health Coaching



Bill Gaultiere, Ph.D.; Kristi Gaultiere, Psy.D.

Grounding with Jesus: Practical and Evidence-based Skills with a Gospel Twist



Heidi Vermeer-Quist, Psy.D.

The Promise of “Life Abundant:” The Whole-life Discipleship Framework for the Church to Address Mental Health Challenges



David Ferguson, D.Phil.

Mental Health and the Mission of the Church 113
How to Create a Healthy Congregation: The Role of Emotional and Relational Intelligence in the Church Culture



Gary J. Oliver, Ph.D.

Empower: Mental Health Awareness Training for the Local Church



Matthew Stanford, Ph.D.

A Cord of Three Strands: Intentional Collaboration Between Counselor, Church, and Focused Support Groups



Brent Van Elswyk, D.Min.; Wendy Mahill, B.S.

Flourishing in Ministry: Research and Practices that Cultivate Well-being in Christian Leadership



Chris Adams, Ph.D.

Compassion and Comfort: Assessing and Developing Trauma-informed Care Communities



Tova Kreps, M.S.W.

Rebuild Their Gospel Identity: The Power of the Attuned Church on the Post-abortion Community



Kay Lyn Carlson, M.S.W.; Amy Garner, M.Div.

Aloneness and Fallenness: Adam’s Dilemma and the Church’s Mental Health Challenge



John Vining, D.Min.

Counseling Skills, Techniques, and Empirically-supported Treatments 114
Creative Experiential Techniques: How to Bypass Defenses and Engage Emotions in Therapy



John Thomas, Ph.D., Ph.D.

Christ-centered Internal Family Systems Therapy: How to Develop Healthy Boundaries for Your Soul



Kimberly June Miller, M.Th., M.MFT

EMDR Therapy: An Overview



Elizabeth Weinhold, M.A., Kathleen Fitzgerald, M.Ed.

Where’s Your Anchor?: The Interplay Between a Biblical Worldview and Clinical Excellence



Jonathan Durst, M.A.

Navigating the Grief: Building Resilience in Caretakers through Culturally Sensitive Counseling Strategies



Laurel Shaler, Ph.D.; Cynthia Doney, Ph.D.

Combining Faith and Evidence-based Interventions for Christian Survivors of Sexual Abuse



Ada Uzondu, M.A,; Kristina Nelson, Ph.D.; Laura Heil, M.S; Joely Diaczenko, M.S.

A Christian Approach to Exposure Response Prevention and Inhibitory Learning Therapies for OCD



Judy Lair, M.A.

Clinical Assessment, Research, and Evidence-based Practices 115
Research on Christian Therapies: What You Need to Know to Have an Evidence-based Practice or Ministry



Harold G. Koenig, M.D.

From Intake to Termination: Integrative Evidence-based Assessment and Clinical Practice



William Hathaway, Ph.D.

Support in the Journey: Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Adoptive and Foster Families



Joshua Hook, Ph.D.;
Jennifer Hook, M.A.

Promoting Forgiveness and Better Mental Health: Community Campaigns for Christian Character



Everett L. Worthington, Jr., Ph.D.

Peace Realized: Experiential Techniques in Restoration Therapy for Traumatic Memories



Erik Salwen, Ph.D.; Ekpedeme Wade, M.D.

Victimology and Restorative Care in Domestic Sex Trafficking



Jeanne Allert, Ph.D.

Self and Spiritual Forgiveness: Understanding the Heart of the HEART Model for Treating Trauma



Benjamin Keyes, Th.D., Ph.D., Ed.D.

Psychiatry, Behavioral Medicine, and Collaborative Care 116
Beyond Chemical Imbalance: How to Talk with Chrisitians about Psychiatric Medications



Warren Kinghorn, M.D., Th.D.

Practical and Evidence-based Interventions to Calm Anxiety and Manage Stress



Linda Mintle, Ph.D., M.S.W.

Assured Hope: Using Meditative Prayer and Neuroscience to Bring Healing



Karl Benzio, M.D.; Ruth Hendrickson

Cultivating Inclusion: Reversing the Impact of Mental Illness on Church Attendance



Stephen Grcevich, M.D.

Jesus as Therapist: The Immanuel Approach for Resolving Psychological Trauma



Karl Lehman, M.D.

A Multimodal and Multi-disciplinary Approach in the Mental Health Treatment of Youth



E. John Kuhnley, M.D.; Richard Justin Silvey Ed.D.

Building Emotional Maturity by Anchoring Treatment Strategies in the Spiritual Disciplines



Michael Walsh, M.D.

Mental Health, the Brain, and Neuroscience 117
The Aging Brain: Proven Steps to Prevent Dementia



Timothy R. Jennings, M.D.

The Brain, Dragons, and Couples: The Neuroscience of Helping Relationships Navigate the Big Emotional Issues



Daniel Amen M.D.; Sharon May Ph.D.

From Imagination to Incarnation: Being in the Room Where it Happens



Curt Thompson, M.D.

Using the Unified Protocol to Treat Panic Disorders and Agoraphobia



Gary Sibcy, Ph.D.

Faith-based Counseling for Brain Injury: Techniques for Survivors and Families



Deana Adams, Ph.D.; Patti Foster, B.A.

Are ADHD and Dementia Connected? The Research and Therapeutic Implications



Richard Fowler, Ed.D.; Carlie Black, Ph.D.

The Evolution of EMDR: How One Modality Can Change an Entire Practice



Carole Lovell Psy.D.; Roy Kiessling, MSSW

Personality Disorders, Challenging Issues, and Complex Cases 118
Navigating the Chaos: Strategies to Use with Family Members Who Have Borderline or Narcissistic Traits



Fred DiBlasio, Ph.D.

Using Evidence-based Strategies, the Enneagram, and Biblical Principles When Working with Difficult Clients



Siegel Bartley, Ph.D.; Deborah Braboy, Ph.D.

Treatment of Complex Grief: Utilizing Christian-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy



Richard Hoffman, Ph.D.

Why Teens Hate Their Bodies: Treating Body Image, Eating Disorders, and Identity Confusion in Gen Z



Amy Feigel, M.A.

Restoring Self-cohesion: An Innovative Approach to Reduce Personality Disorder Features that are Rooted in Trauma



Shannan Crawford, Psy.D.

Trauma-based Dissociation and Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Dysregulation in Eating-disordered Populations



Christopher Charleton, M.S.W.

Complexities and Challenges When Married to Autism: Introduction to Neuro-diverse Christian Couples



Stephanie Holmes, Ed.D.; Dan Holmes, M.S.

Positive Psychology, Health, and Wellness: Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Flourishing 119
Reframe and Rebound: Bringing Spiritual and Emotional Hope to Clergy After Forced Termination



Dallas Speight, Ed.D., D.Min.; Sheila Speight, Ph.D.

Faith-based Positive Psychology: Best Practices to Flourish and Be Resilient in Stressful Times



Catherine Hart Weber, Ph.D.;
Caitlin Weber, M.S.

Building Resiliency and Mental Toughness in Today’s Generation: Battling through the Pressure to Perform and Perfectionism in Everyday Life



Zach Clinton M.A.; Scott Hawkins Ph.D.

The Biblical-wellness Model (B-Well): Holistic Case Conceptualization and Treatment



Ken Miller, PhD.; David Jones, Ed.D.

The Science of Resilience: Working with At-risk Youth



Rick Albright, Ph.D.; Nancy Gillespie, MA.; Nick Indeglio, Ed.D.; Sydney DeGroat, M.Ed.

Bounce: Faith-based Tools to Build Resilience in a Stressed, Anxious, and Traumatized World



Donna Gibbs, Ph.D.

One Heart, Two Homes: Co-parenting Kids of Divorce to a Positive Future



Tammy Daughtry M.MFT.; Jay Daughtry, M.MFT.

Christian Psychology: Theory, Practice, and Integration 120
Redemptive Integration: How Christian Therapy Reconciles Dissociated Parts of the Self



Eric Johnson, Ph.D.; Michael Strating, Ph.D.

Healing Conversations on Race: Biblical and Secular Psychological Foundations



Veola Vazquez, Ph.D.; Joshua Knabb, Psy.D.; Charles Lee-Johnson, M.S.W., D.Min.; Krystal Hays, Ph.D.

A Christian Approach to Memory Reconsolidation Therapy with Traumatized Clients



Barbara Lowe, Ph.D.

Treatment of Early Attachment Trauma: Jesus as the Ultimate Secure Base



Nicolene Joubert, Ph.D.

Transforming Triggers of Self-shame into Reminders of Irrevocable Acceptance



Megan Clunan, Ph.D.

Using Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) to Access the Spiritual Core of BIPOC Clients and Facilitate Recovery from Racial Trauma



Heloise Ridley, M.A., M.B.A; Sonya Parker, M.S.W.; Steve Carroll, M.S.W.

Narcissistic Relationship Dynamics: How to Recognize Them and Intervene Effectively



Kerry Marsh, Ph.D.

Social Work: Current Developments, Trends, and Best Practices 121
The Body Bears the Burden: The Physical Consequences of Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse in Marriage



David Hawkins, M.S.W., M.A., Ph.D.

Working Ethically with Clients and Agencies When You Have Ideological or Moral Differences



David King, D.S.W.

Addicted to You: The Role of Boundaries and 12-step Recovery in Treating Codependency



John Eklund, M.S.W.

Social Services and the Church: Collaborating for the Safety of Children



Dan Broyles, M.S.

Healing the Inner Children: Using E.M.B.R.A.C.E. Parenting Strategies Within the Internal Family Systems Framework



Samantha S. Woo, M.S.W.

Equine Assisted Therapy: Horses Inspiring Hope and Healing through Stories



Lynn Thomas, M.S.W.; Carol Young

Breaking the Patterns that Bind: Addressing Systemic Factors that Keep Families Stuck



Kimberly Ernest, Ph.D.

Ethics and Practice Management: Advocacy, Policy, and Counselor Education 122
Hope for Burnout: Decisions That Can Change You When Situations Don’t Change



Kathy Koch, Ph.D.; Melissa Hannigan, M.A.

Ethics, Law, and Licensure: Changes and Challenges Facing Mental Health Professionals in 2023 



Mercy Connors, Ph.D.; Jonathan Scruggs, J.D.; James Long, Th.D.

International Cross-cultural Counseling: Ethical Challenges, Technological Advances, and Member Care



Kenyon Knapp, Ph.D.; Angie Wheelus, Ed.D.; Chris Wheelus, PhD.; Whitni Buckles, Ph.D.; Kristy M. Ford, Ph.D.; Jama Davis, Ph.D.

Advocacy for a Christian Worldview: The Necessity of Christian Ethics to Inform the Counseling Profession



Chuck Romig, Ph.D.; Joe Cook, Ph.D.; Dawn Irons, Ph.D.

Avoiding and Responding to Ethical Complaints or Lawsuits



Lynelle Buchanan, Ph.D.; Rachel Rouleau, J.D.

What Do I Do Now? Counseling Ethically When You Are Sexually Attracted to a Client



James Dalton Ph.D.; Mike Cravens, Ed.D.

Maintaining an Ethical Posture with Politically-charged Topics



Andrew Graham, Ph.D.

Multicultural Counseling and Diversity: Special Populations and Global Competency 123
Affect Regulation and Relationship Enhancement Training for Multicultural Populations



Wei-Jen Huang, Ph.D., CGP

Collaboration with the African-American Church: A Beacon of Hope and Healing in Mental Health



D. Fredrica Brooks-Davis, Psy.D.

Global Mental Health and the Global Church: Pitfalls, Opportunities, and Future Directions



Ingo Tophoven, Ph.D.

Culturally Responsive Counseling Interventions: Adapting Strategies to the Cultural Map



Alicia E. La Hoz, Psy.D.

Understanding Universal Human Needs in Therapy: Building Confidence in Multi-cultural and Cross-cultural Contexts



Lois Dodds, Ph.D.

Engaging the Latino Population: Culturally Sensitive Counseling for Couples and Families



Luis San Roman, Ed.D.

Understanding and Working with New Migrants, International Settlers, Displaced Populations, War Refugees, and Asylum-seekers



Naji Abi-Hashem, Ph.D.

Professional Life Coaching and Consultation 124
The Great Resignation: Effective Career Coaching in the Digital Era and the Waning Workforce



Dina Jones, M.A.

Becoming a Master Coach: Meeting the Standards through Best Practices



Sylvia Hart Frejd, D.Min.

Empowering Assessments: Using Emotional Intelligence, Enneagram, Clifton Strengths, and Personality Inventories



Georgia Shaffer M.A.

What is Your Number?: Using the Enneagram to Enhance Your Coaching and Consulting Practice



Jeff McCord M.Div.; Beth McCord

Strategies to Grow Your Coaching Practice: Developing Successful Online Group Programs, Courses, and Memberships



Christy Johnson, MBA

The Sleep Better Plan: A Brain-based, Biblically-sound Sleep Coaching Tool



Charles Stone, M.Div., D.Min., Ph.D.

Exploring the Possibilities: Transitioning from Counselor to Coach



Jennifer Rowland, M.A.

Executive and Leadership Coaching and Organizational Psychology 125
Precision Targeting: Super Effective Needs Based Coaching and Consultation



John Townsend, Ph.D.; Michelle Thompson, M.A., M.S.

Imposter Syndrome: Timely Insights and Proven Strategies to Address One of the Nation’s Most Overlooked Mental Health Issues



Mark Crear, Ph.D.

The Leadership and Trauma Cycle: Assessing and Treating Integrity Gaps



Terra Mattson, M.A.; Jeff Mattson M.A.

Front Stage/Back Stage: Your External Success Requires Internal Health



Johnny Parker, DSL

Coaching Business Leaders in Attachment Response Training: A Pathway to Transformational Leadership



Jamie Klemashevich, Ph.D.; Ronald Collins, Jr., MBA

Foresight: Are You a Future Ready Leader?



Norm Mintle, Ph.D.

Strategically Leading: Utilizing Transformational Leadership to Foster Post-traumatic Growth Opportunities and Greater Organizational Success



Lisa Christensen, Ph.D.